
ISO 9001 Certificate

ELETTRO MAULE SRL has achieved ISO 9001 Certificate and it has a wide experience in the construction of off-load tap changers for distribution transformers from 30A up to 1600A, for operating voltage 20 up to 72kV. A precise selection of materials, the accurate process joined to the simplicity of the apparatus are decisive factors of the full safety guaranteed for our tap changers. Our current production includes standard versions as well as customers-tailored types based on specific drawings. All this versions enable to choose the most fit tap changer for any demand. For peculiar installation or needs and for weatherproof protection following optional are available:

  • Control set with aluminium oil tight shaft;
  • Padlock to prevent unauthorized operations;
  • Stainless steel Protective cap;
  • Tin-plated contacts and connecting terminal.

Politica della qualità


severe tests

Our tap changers have to undergo severe tests for mechanical characteristics and constant current transmission. PROTOTYPES were submitted by CESI in Milan, to the following tests:
  • Temperature rise of the contacts (Based on IEC 214 ’89)
  • Short-circuit current test (Based on IEC 214 ’89)
  • Lightning Impulse Test, Power Frequency Test (Based on IEC 60-1 ’89).
These tests were successful as shown in CESI report n° MP 96/030008, AT 96/017493, MP 96/030007, AT 96/023881, MP 96/035302 , AT 96/034397,MP 99/005049 and MP 99/005050.


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